Monday, February 22, 2010

The Ultimate Girly Book: Birdie's Big-Girl Shoes

Book: Birdie's Big-Girl Shoes
Author and Illustrator: Sujean Rim

This book is absolutely adorable! And, it is one of the girliest books for children I have seen. It is so wonderfully illustrated. I stumbled across the author's name a while back and was finally able to pick this book up yesterday evening at a local Borders bookstore. I am in LOVE! The story is good, the characters are fun, the pictures are wonderful, and the shoes are exquisite! To quote one of my favorite ladies..... "I die!" (Quote taken from Rachel Zoe.) I was literally reading this book and telling my husband, who, by the way, had to endure the story, because I read it aloud to him [ :-) ]....anyway, I was reading it to him and stopping at every page to sigh and tell him how I wanted the shoes in the book and to look at how cute they were and that I want to be like the mommy in the book. Well, anyway, sorry for rambling. I hope this all makes sense. Bottom line....I just love this book and I hope if any of you out there are as girly as me; or have a little girl or girls; or a niece; or even if you don't have kids, but just love to read; or love shoes; or fashion; or are just young at heart...well then, check this book out. It's one of my favorites. SO CUTE!!!
Happy Reading,


  1. Anonymous said...
    thanks so much for the amazing write up!!! I'm thrilled you like Birdie! thanks to your hubby too for listening!
    March 10, 2010 12:34 PM

  2. Tiffany said...
    Again...I die! Sujean!!!! Thank YOU for the comment!Sorry I am just seeing this! I have been CRAZY busy. You're amazing! I can't believe you left me a comment on my little blog! How inspiring. I have so badly neglected my other blog, The Children's Bookbin. But now...I'm inspired again. I hope you will check it out and I hope I can do it justice. Thank you for commenting. I LOVE your work!

    May 10, 2010 6:40 PM
